About the name Brendan

About the baby name Brendan, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Brendan, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology

Brendan: A name with a sea of history

Brendan, a given name that echoes with the tales of seafarers and saints, has a timeless appeal. Rooted in history and carried by famous figures, it brings a blend of tradition and adventure to any child’s name. Uncover the story of Brendan and see how it could be the perfect name for your little one!

Sailing through time: Brendan’s origins

This name draws its origins from the Irish “Bréanainn,” which is believed to mean “prince” or perhaps “stalwart.” It was borne by several Irish saints, most notably St Brendan the Navigator (aka Brendan of Clonfert, “the Bold”, one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland), who is famed for his legendary sea voyages.

Pronunciation and basic details

Brendan is pronounced BREN-dən, with the stress on the first syllable. It rhymes with the word “tendon,” making its pronunciation intuitive for most English speakers.

Popularity trends

The male name Brendan has seen varied popularity over the years according to Social Security card application data. From a lower rank of 991 in 1936, the name experienced fluctuations, generally trending upwards in the latter half of the 20th century.

It broke into the top 200 in the mid-2000s, peaking at 96 in 1999. Since then, Brendan’s popularity has gradually declined, ranking at 884 in 2022. Despite this decline, Brendan has consistently held a spot in the top 1000 names for most years since its entry onto the charts.

Pop culture: Famous faces and characters named Brendan

  • Brendan Fraser: Acclaimed actor known for his roles in films like “The Mummy” series and “The Whale”.
  • Brendan Gleeson: Esteemed Irish actor featured in movies such as “In Bruges” and “The Banshees of Inisherin.”
  • Brendan Small: Co-creator of the animated series “Metalocalypse.”

Nicknames, variations, and adaptations

Nicknames such as Bren, or even Danny, can offer a casual, friendly variant of the name. Brenden, Brendon, and Brendin are some of the spelling variations that retain the name’s essence.

The name transforms into Breandán in Irish, retaining its cultural richness in its native form. Though predominantly masculine, variations like Brenda provide a feminine counterpart.

Is Brendan a good baby name for your family?

Brendan’s rich historical background and the rarity of its use today make it a strong contender for parents seeking a name that is both dignified and uncommon without being obscure. It offers a more distinctive alternative to the once very popular name Brandon.

Pairing Brendan with a middle or last name? Its two-syllable rhythm complements a wide array of names, making it a versatile choice for your child’s lifelong moniker.



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