About the name Philip

About the baby name Philip, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Philip, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology
  • From the ancient Greek philos hippos, meaning someone who loves horses
  • In the United States, the name Philip reached peak popularity (#53) in 1950
  • A popular variation is Phillip
  • Commonly abbreviated to Phil
  • When used as a last name, it’s usually Phillips or Philips
  • Feminine versions of this name include Philippa, Phillipa, Philipinna, Filippa, Filipa
  • Modern regional variants include Philippe (French), Felipe (Spanish/Portuguese), Filippo (Italian)
  • Ancient variations include Philippos (Ancient Greek), Philippse (Welsh), Philippus (Ancient Latin)

History of the name Philip

Emperors and kings, princes and dukes have borne the names of Phillips or Philip, and the family has a rich heritage in its traditions.

The name is nearly as old as the world itself. Philippi was a city of ancient Macedonia, and the founder of Macedonia was a man named Phillip.

The name is of Greek origin, from philos hippos, meaning a lover of horses.

Phillips has been a surname in Great Britain for 700 years, and the family can be traced back in unbroken line to the year 1200. 

It is not an easy matter to keep track of the spelling of the name. In Wales, where the family flourished, Philippse is the usual form, and the oldest coat-armor of the family is that granted to the Welsh branch. The coat is extremely simple, proving its antiquity.

Among various orthographies, the following may be given as samples: Phylyppe — two “ys” certainly confer great distinction — but don’t adopt them unless able to live up to them!

Then there are Phillips, a form seen at the present day; Philopoe; Phillot; Philippo; Philcox is called a diminutive, and Phelp, Phelpa, Philipson are derived from the same root. Phipp and Filkin are also derived from Philip.



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