About the name Marie

About the baby name Marie, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Marie, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology

Marvel at Marie: Your guide to this elegant name

Marie is a name that seems to effortlessly combine sophistication with a sense of timelessness. If you’re drawn to names that are both classic and elegant, Marie could be an excellent choice for you.

Pronunciation and basic details

Marie is commonly pronounced as “muh-REE,” and it has two syllables. The emphasis is generally on the second syllable, “REE.” It’s a straightforward name, so you’re not likely to encounter too many mispronunciations.

The history and origin of Marie

Rooted in tradition

Marie is of French origin and is the French form of the name Maria, itself derived from Mary. The name is prevalent in various cultures and has biblical roots. In Hebrew, it means “bitter,” but it can also signify “rebelliousness” or “wished-for child.”

A multicultural gem

Marie is a name that has crossed cultural and linguistic barriers. It’s commonly used not just in French-speaking countries, but also in English-speaking nations, among others.

Popularity trends

Marie has been a consistently popular name, although its popularity has waned somewhat in recent years. Nevertheless, it has long been in the Social Security Administration’s top 1000 list. While its peak popularity might be behind it, its classic nature ensures it never really goes out of style.

Pop culture: Marie in the spotlight

Celebrities named Marie

  • Marie Curie: The pioneering physicist and chemist, and the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.
  • Marie Osmond: An American singer, actress, and television host, best known for being half of the brother-sister duo Donny & Marie.
  • Anne-Marie: English singer and songwriter known for hits like “Rockabye” and “Friends.”

Characters named Marie

  • Marie Barone: From the TV show “Everybody Loves Raymond,” Marie is the matriarch of the Barone family.
  • Marie Schrader: A character from the acclaimed TV series “Breaking Bad,” Marie is known for her strong-willed personality.

Marie in music and literature

  • In literature, the name Marie often appears as a character in classic novels and plays, such as in Leo Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.”

Nicknames, variations, and adaptations

Sweet and simple nicknames

You might opt for cute nicknames like “Ree” or “Rie.”

Spelling and international variations

Some international versions include “Maria” in Latin cultures and “Mariya” in Russian contexts.

Masculine variants

The name “Mario” can be considered a masculine form, particularly in Italian and Spanish-speaking countries.

Deciding on Marie: Things to ponder

A touch of the timeless

Marie is a name that has stood the test of time. However, you may want to consider that it’s also commonly used as a middle name, which could influence your decision.

A name with versatile appeal

With its strong historical roots and international acceptance, Marie is highly adaptable to various cultural and linguistic settings.

Complementary pairings

As you mull over the name Marie, consider how it pairs with your last name or any middle names you’re contemplating. Marie often pairs well with longer, multi-syllable names.

The name Marie is much like a vintage piece of jewelry: classic, elegant, and ever-relevant. Whether as a first name or a middle name, Marie offers a blend of traditional beauty and modern versatility.



baby Name length

5 letters (popular name length)

See related baby names

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