About the name Calvina

About the baby name Calvina, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Calvina, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology

The meaning of the name Calvina, which has historical roots, comes from the Latin word “calvus,” which means “bald” or “hairless.”

It’s the feminine form of the name Calvin. This name retains the root of the original, drawing from the Latin “Calvinus,” but modifies it to a more feminine ending with the “a” sound, which is common in many languages for feminizing masculine names.

In ancient Rome, the last name Calvina was used by nobles, and showed a well-known family tree that was often linked to wealth and power.

As cultures changed, so did the use of the name, going from being a last name to a given name and going through waves of popularity based on cultural and social norms. The phenomenon saw a drop in prevalence during the Middle Ages; however, it subsequently experienced a resurgence in popularity during the Renaissance, primarily due to a revived fascination with classical culture.

By the 19th century, Calvina was a name that was linked to the upper classes, beauty, and sophistication — representing the Victorian ideas of poise and grace.

It’s a beautiful given name for a girl, even if it hasn’t been on the top 1000 baby names chart in the US since 1900. 



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