About the name Alberta

About the baby name Alberta, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Alberta, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology
  • Means noble or bright
  • Feminine of Albert
  • The name of a province in western Canada

History of the name Alberta

The text below is from a series about names published in 1920. For other vintage & retro topics, please visit ClickAmericana.com.

Alberta, meaning nobly bright, has its origin in the Teutonic language. It is one of the names coming from the nobility of which Aethel is the root.

Aethelbryht was its first form, though it was a masculine name and was given to the first Christian King of England.

The famous bishop of Prague, who was martyred near Dantzig while preaching to the heathen Prussians in 997, was called Adelbrecht, and his fame spread the use of the name throughout a great part of Europe.

Italy received it, and straightway changed it to Alberto. It is from this latter that the feminine forms. Alberta and Albertine, were formed.

The husband of the late Queen Victoria, who bore the name of Albert, brought both the masculine and feminine equivalent.

Alberta has no real individual existence. After all, she is merely a masculine name with a feminine termination.

But unlike many of her contemporaries, such as Edwina and Roberta, she is almost frivolously feminine, and is not regarded as a substitute name for the hoped-for son and heir who was to have been called Albert.

Jade is Alberta’s talismanic stone. It has the power to assure its wearer great prosperity, and freedom from danger and disease. But it should never be removed from the finger, arm, or throat on which it is worn. Monday is Alberta’s lucky day, and 1 her lucky number.



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