About the name Frazer

About the baby name Frazer, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Frazer, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology
  • Frazer is a variation of Fraser
  • May mean “of the forest men”
  • Works as a first name or a last name (or a middle name)
  • Fraser is the name of a major Scottish clan
  • The surname is known for Jamie Fraser, a character in “Outlander
  • May be related to strawberry plants/flowers (strawberry is fraise in French)
  • A common variation of the name is Frasier, popular for the TV series, which starred Kelsey Grammer

More history about the name Frazer


The name Fraser has an interesting origin, whatever it is. For there is disagreement about its origin on the part of the genealogists, which perhaps means that it had different Origins in different cases.

One faction holds out for a Norman origin, taking the name from a place in Normandy called Fresler, near Neuchâtel, an ancient fief. This would mean, of course, that the name was one of the names that came into England with the Great Conqueror.

The other faction claims a Celtic origin for the name, from a combination of words meaning forest race, a forest-living people or family.

Now whatever the ultimate origin of the name, it was early established in Scotland, especially in the north, where it was known as Frizel, Frisele and Freshell,

There is an old couplet concerning the usualness of members of this family in the north of Scotland that runs like this:

“As long as there’s a cock in the North
There’ll be a Fraser in Philorth.”

Derivatives of this name include Frasier, Fraser and Frazier.



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