About the name Ann

About the baby name Ann, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Ann, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology

The enduring simplicity of the name Ann

Ann may appear simple, but it’s a three-letter given name with a layered history. This pretty little name derives from Anne, which itself evolved from Anna, originating from the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning “grace” or “favor.”

Here’s a look at how the simple but powerful name Ann has both transformed and maintained its essence over time. 

Pronunciation and basic details

Ann is pronounced AN, mirroring the straightforward elegance of the name itself. It’s a one-syllable name that conveys strength and simplicity, making it unlikely to be mispronounced.

The history and origin of Ann

Ann’s lineage can be traced back to the Hebrew name Hannah, which traveled through the Latin form Anna, becoming Anne in French — and then transitioning to the English Ann. Each iteration of the name has been embraced in different eras, carrying with it a sense of grace and poise.

Popularity trends for the baby name Ann

The female name Ann has experienced a notable trajectory in popularity over the years in the United States. In the early 20th century, Ann was fairly popular, typically ranking within the top 50 to 100 names. Its popularity peaked around the mid-20th century, often appearing in the top 40.

As the century progressed, Ann’s ranking gradually declined, yet it remained within the top 200 until the late 1980s. Entering the 21st century, Ann continued to slide down the popularity rankings, moving from the 400s in the late 1990s to the 500s and 600s in the early 2000s. This trend continued, with the name hovering in the 900s in recent years, and it was ranked 980 in 2019.

Throughout this time, despite fluctuations, Ann has consistently stayed within the top 1000 names, indicating that it has maintained a presence, albeit less dominant than in its heyday. The name’s simplicity and historical significance have ensured that it remains a classic and recognizable choice for many families.

Pop culture: Famous faces and characters named Ann

Celebrated Anns and their legacies

  • Ann-Margret: A versatile entertainer known for her vibrant stage presence and illustrious career in film and music.
  • Ann Jillian: An actress whose resilience has been as notable as her on-screen performances.
  • Ann Curry: A journalist who has brought dignity and empathy to her news reporting.
  • Annie Lennox: An influential singer-songwriter who started her journey as Ann and became a global superstar.
  • Ann Landers: A pseudonym that became synonymous with trustworthy advice and common-sense wisdom.
  • Ann Taylor: A reference to the well-known fashion brand symbolizing classic style.
  • Ann Wilson: The powerful voice behind the rock band Heart.
  • Ann Perkins: The endearing character from the TV show “Parks and Recreation.”
  • Ann Takamaki: A character from the video game “Persona 5,” popularizing the name among gamers.

Nicknames, variations, and adaptations

Nicknames like Annie and variations such as Ann-Marie offer a playful or formal twist on the original, while the name’s roots allow for cross-cultural adaptations like Ana or Annette.

Is Ann a good baby name for your family?

Ann might be a good name if you want something traditional and flexible. From Hannah to Anna to Anne and then to Ann, it has a long history of beauty that could just be just what you’re looking for. This sweet name is still a traditional choice that people love for its classic charm and versatility, even though it may not be at the top of the popularity charts anymore.

Ann is an example of a name that has been toned down without losing its history. It goes well with a lot of different middle names, giving you the chance to give your child a name that is as unique as they are.



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