About the name Felicia

About the baby name Felicia, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Felicia, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology
  • Means “happy” or “fortunate”
  • The Roman goddess of happiness was called Felicitas
  • A feminine form of the name Felix
  • May also be spelled Felisha
The text below is from a series about names published in 1920. For other vintage & retro topics, please visit ClickAmericana.com.

History of the name Felicia

Felicia has the augury of happiness, since that is the significance of her name.

The name Felicia is the feminine of Felix, which seems to have been an agnomen assumed by any individual at will when he considered himself unusually fortunate.

It appears first in the reign of Herod Agrippa. It means “happy,” and has given rise to all manner of words and names signifying good fortune in modern languages.

There are eleven masculine saints by that name in the Roman calendar, and Felice, the feminine, first appears in Italy, Spain and the south of France.

From Felice have come Felicia in England, and Felice in France. There was a Felicia who was queen of Navarre in 1067.

The old Romans had a Goddess of Happiness, whom they called Felicitas.

The stave-martyr of Carthage who suffered with St. Perpetua was so-called, and there was another felicitates under Antonius Plus, who, with her seven sons, presented a Christian parallel to the mother in the Maccabees.



baby Name length

7 letters (average to long name length)

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