About the name Thurston

About the baby name Thurston, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Thurston, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology

History of the name Thurston

Authorities differ concerning the origin of the name Thurston. Some say that it came from the Danish word troest, meaning trusty and faithful, and that the first of the Thurstons was so called because of his distinguished faithfulness.

Others say that it came from Thor, the name of one of the foremost Pagan gods of northern Europe — for whom, by the way, Thursday is named — and a word meaning stone. The name then would have the significance of “Thor’s stone.”

The first to take it would then have derived it from some ancient pagan monument. Whatever the origin, it was known early in several counties in England.

Perhaps the first of the name known in history was named Thurstan or Thurstin. He was Archbishop of York from 1114 to 1140.

He was a favorite of the King, and when the first Archbishop of York died, he was nominated to succeed him by the King, although at the time he had never been ordained. However, he soon became eligible, and proved to be a church dignitary of piety and persuasion.

It is said that he was “endowed with the grace of tears,” and used frequently to weep from emotion when celebrating mass. This and his eloquence made him a great favorite with the high-born ladies of the time.



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