About the name Lilian

About the baby name Lilian, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Lilian, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology

Lilian: from Latin roots to modern appeal

Lilian is a spelling variation of the female name Lillian, offering a slightly distinct yet equally elegant rendition of the name.

In French, Lilian is recognized as the male form of the name, while Liliane serves as its female counterpart. Because of this, Lilian serves as a unisex name, although it’s traditionally more common for girls.

The name has a Latin origin, often associated with the lily flower which symbolizes innocence, purity, and beauty​​. It has roots in English, Hebrew, and German.

Historically, Lilian saw a rise in popularity during the early 20th century in English-speaking regions such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

Lilian gained traction in the early 20th century and has seen a revival in recent times. It was in the top 500 names from 2005 – 2013, and again in 2015, peaking at 575th in 2022 according to the Social Security Administration index.

Spotlight on Lilian

There have been a number of notable Lilians across different fields and platforms:

  • Lilian Thuram: A celebrated soccer player known for his time with AS Monaco FC, Parma Calcio 1913, Juventus F.C., FC Barcelona, and the France national football team​​.
  • Lilian Garcia: A sportscaster​.
  • Lilian Tintori: A Venezuelan activist and the spouse of Venezuelan politician Leopoldo López​.
  • Lilian Renaud: A French singer and the winner of Season 4 of the French music competition “The Voice: la plus belle voix”​.
  • Lilian Calmejane: A French cyclist known for winning stages at the Tour de France in 2017 and the Vuelta a España in 2016​.
  • Lilian Harvey: An Anglo-German actress and singer, known for her role in the 1931 film “Der Kongreß tanzt”​.
  • Lilian Lee: A prolific Hong Kong novelist, screenwriter, and reporter​.

Nicknames, variations, and global adaptations

Lilian’s versatility is evident in its variety of nicknames and variations:

  • Nicknames: Lily, Lili, Lia.
  • Spelling Variations: Lylian, Lileey, Lileyan.
  • Masculine Variations: Lilianus, Lillion.
  • International Variations: Lilliana (Italian), Liliane (French), Lilijana (Slovene).


Lilian is pronounced as “LIL-ee-an” with the emphasis on the first syllable, sharing phonetic similarities with names like Julian and Dylan.

Similar names to explore

If Lilian strikes a chord, you might also appreciate the sound or style of:

  • Vivian
  • Lila
  • Eliana

Origins and meaning

The name Lilian is traced back to the Latin word “lilium” and Greek word “leirion,” both referring to the lily flower​.

In French, Lilian is a male form while Liliane is the female form of the name​.

Additionally, in English, Lilian is often interpreted as a diminutive of Elizabeth and has been used in England since the 16th century​.

Reflecting on the charm of Lilian

As you ponder on the name Lilian, its historical resonance, elegant symbolism, and global adaptability come to the forefront.

This name not only holds a classic allure but also melds seamlessly into contemporary naming, offering a balanced choice.



baby Name length

6 letters (popular name length)

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