About the name Harper

About the baby name Harper, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Harper, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology

Exploring the harmony of Harper: A name worth considering

The name Harper has found its way into many hearts and homes.

History of the name Harper

Historically, the name Harper originates from the Old English word hearpere, which was an occupational name for a harp player.

Names with a musical connotation often carry a melodious resonance, and Harper is no exception.

In recent times, the name Harper has seen a significant rise in popularity.

Notable figures like the author Harper Lee, who penned the classic “To Kill a Mockingbird”, have contributed to the name’s popularity.

Plus, celebrities like David and Victoria Beckham choosing Harper for their daughter further add to its modern-day appeal.

Gender-neutral quality

Harper is one of those names that is endearing for both boys and girls.

The gender-neutral quality makes it a versatile choice, especially if you’re keeping the gender a surprise until the big reveal. 

Although the data suggests it’s more commonly used for girls, the name is also a strong contender for boys.

Pronunciation and variations

Pronouncing Harper is straightforward — it’s ‘Har-per’, rhyming with ‘carper’.

Although Harper doesn’t have direct variations, similar-sounding names or related names might interest you. For instance:

  • Harlow
  • Harp
  • Harperly

In other cultures, you may find names with similar musical meanings, such as:

  • Lyra, often related to the lyre instrument.
  • Aria, which signifies a melody in Italian.

Potential nicknames

When it comes to nicknames, you can have a bit of fun with Harper. You might try:

  • Harp
  • Harpie
  • HP
  • Harps

Popularity trends

The rise in popularity of the name Harper is quite noticeable over recent years.

Across numerous countries, the name Harper has witnessed a significant upswing in popularity.

In the United States, for instance, it has been a regular contender in the top lists of baby names.

According to the United States Social Security Administration, Harper entered the top 100 baby names in 2011 and has maintained a strong position since then, often hovering around the top 10 for girls.

In the United Kingdom, Harper has followed a similar trajectory, entering the top 100 in 2015 and continuing to climb the ranks.



baby Name length

6 letters (popular name length)

FREE baby name printable

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After clicking the name image below, look in the upper right for saving and sharing options. This download is for personal use only, but if you know someone who might like one of their own, please send them a link to this site!

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