About the name Stella

About the baby name Stella, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Stella, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology

Stella: A star by any other name

The name Stella, with its ethereal charm and classic touch, has been a favorite for parents over the decades. Its meaning, “star” in Latin, adds a whimsical touch to its appeal.

Interestingly, it also ties into Greek culture as a feminine counterpart to the name Stylianos, which means “pillar.”

According to the Social Security lists, Stella has often danced between the top 100 and top 1000 names over the years. In recent times, it’s been climbing the charts, securing a cozy spot in the top 100, showcasing its undying allure.

Stella in the spotlight

From the silver screen to the pages of iconic novels, the name Stella has been a favorite choice for characters. Some famous Stellas include:

  1. Stella Kowalski from Tennessee Williams’ play “A Streetcar Named Desire.” Marlon Brando’s cry of “Stella!” in the movie adaptation remains iconic to this day.
  2. Stella McCartney, the renowned British fashion designer and daughter of Paul McCartney.
  3. Stella Maxwell, a notable model who has graced many international runways.

Spelling variations and nicknames

There are several ways to spell Stella, catering to the modern penchant for unique twists:

  • Stellah
  • Stellie
  • Stellay

Popular nicknames stemming from Stella include:

  • Elle
  • Ellie
  • Stells
  • Star

In other languages, Estelle or Estrella offer a French or Spanish twist respectively. While both names are beautiful in their right, they maintain the core meaning of “star.”

Breaking down the pronunciation

Stella is typically pronounced as Stel-lah with the emphasis on the first syllable: STEL-lah.

It has two syllables.

For clarity, think of the word “stellar” but without the “r” at the end.

Evolution of Stella

The name Stella has roots in ancient Rome with its meaning “star.” It was used sparingly in the Middle Ages but saw a revival in the 19th century, especially after Sir Philip Sidney used it in his sonnet sequence “Astrophel and Stella” in the 1580s.

Additionally, the name Stella witnessed a surge in popularity among Catholics due to its association with “Stella Maris,” a title attributed to the Virgin Mary. Translating to “Star of the Sea,” this epithet resonated deeply with believers.

The name is also intertwined with Greek heritage as the feminine variation of the name Stylianos, which translates to “pillar.”

Its history is dotted with periods of varying popularity, but it has always maintained its celestial charm.

Similar names to consider

If you’re captivated by the sound and feel of Stella but are looking for something a tad different, consider:

  • Estella
  • Bella
  • Ella
  • Selah
  • Delilah
  • Nella

Could Stella be the name you’ve been searching for?

Choosing a name is a monumental task, but with Stella, you’re not only choosing history and meaning but also a touch of the stars.

Remember, the name you choose will often influence your child’s identity and how they see the world, so take your time and trust your instincts. Whether it’s Stella or another celestial beauty, your choice will light up your world.



baby Name length

6 letters (popular name length)

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