About the name Brock

About the baby name Brock, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Brock, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology
  • Means “badger” (the animal)
  • Variant of Brook
  • Commonly used as a last name

History of the name Brock

The surname Brock is usually listed as one of the animal names, having the significance of meaning “badger.”

The name is most distinguished in Canada, through the association with Sir Isaac Brock, born in Guernsey, in 1769. He was a brave able soldier and fought in the British Army in the War of 1812.

His words to the York volunteers in the battle when he fell in 1812 have never been forgotten. “Never mind me,” he said, after he had been mortally wounded. “Push on!”

It is recorded that a salute was fired in the American camp, and the American soldiers were ordered to pause in their routine for a few minutes of silence when the funeral service was read over the body of the brave soldier. In Canada, Brockville and other places were named in his honor.

Within the United States, Brock is best known in Virginia. There were members of the family of Brock in Virginia in the early Colonial days, and John Philip Brock living in Hanover County, Virginia, was known to have descended from forefathers who had already been well-established in Virginia. 



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