About the name Rhoda

About the baby name Rhoda, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Rhoda, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology

History of the name Rhoda

The text below is from a series about names published in 1920. For other vintage & retro topics, please visit ClickAmericana.com.

Among the flower names appears one which is not generally recognized as belonging to the list.

It is Rhoda, the graceful Greek name, which has completely lost its identity under importation, and is now regarded as purely English and American.

The name signifies “rose.” It is taken from the Greek word for the flower.

It was apparently transplanted intact to English shores, as there is no record if its evolution from a Greek root.

The Rohals, which appeared in France and named the wife of Gilbert de Gault, is thought by etymologists to have arisen from the Latin hros, meaning fame, rather than to have been taken from the flower.

Indeed, most of the derivatives of the feminine name, Rose, are believed to have come from the blossom. Thus Rhoda is almost unique in her place and significance; likewise it has never suffered contraction.

The ruby is Rhoda’s talismanic gem. It possesses the deep red color which is likewise her talisman, and promises her the fulfillment of her ambition, bodily and mental health, and poise of bearing.

Tuesday is her lucky day, and 5 her lucky number.



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