About the name Pearl

About the baby name Pearl, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Pearl, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology
  • Literally refers to the oyster’s gem, a pearl
The text below is from a series about names published in 1920. For other vintage & retro topics, please visit ClickAmericana.com.

The history of the name Pearl

Pearl is undoubtedly a name of great price! Not only is it musical in sound, but it honors the exquisite translucent gem which is the symbol of purity the world over.

The Persian term for the jewel is Muryarid, meaning “child of light.”

Their legend of the origin of the pearl, a charming and beautiful fancy, is in accordance with the ancient idea that the oysters, rising to the surface of the water at night and opening their shells in adoration, received into their mouths drops of dew, congealed by the moonbeams into the lustrous gems which resemble the moon itself.

The pearl has always been associated with purity and sanctity. Pearls were chosen as the jewels to adorn the gates of the Celestial City, and the gem has had countless uses as a symbol in the religions of all countries.

Pearl is enormously popular in England. Like Muriel and Molly and Vivian and Sibyl, it may almost be said to be one of the national feminine names.

In this country, it has, likewise, a widespread vogue. We have even gone further and made a diminutive, Pearley, which is popular in some sections, though a trifle provincial.

Pearl’s talismanic stone is, of course, her own gem, the pearl. It promises her great charm and affability, and many friends. It will always guard her from dangers and evil, and preserve her purity.

Thursday is her lucky day and 2 her lucky number. The marguerite, or daisy, is her flower.



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