About the name Georgia

About the baby name Georgia, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Georgia, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology
  • A feminine version of the name George
  • The name of a country in Eastern Europe
  • The name of an American state
  • Famous for the Ray Charles song, “Georgia on My Mind
  • Similar names include Georgette and Georgina
  • May also be spelled Jorja, as in the actress Jorja Fox
The text below is from a series about names published in 1920. For other vintage & retro topics, please visit ClickAmericana.com.

The history of the name Georgia

Georgia has a deeply religious origin among the Marinite Christians, who have a tradition that Georgos was a Christian sentinel at Damascus (the capital of Syria) who connived at the escape of St Paul when he was let down in the basket, and was therefore put to death.

The next Georgos was a Cappadocian saint and martyr, in whose honor Emperor Constantine erected a church at Byzantium.

Throughout all early church history, Georgos appears as saint, martyr or hero, until, finally, the famous St George of the Dragon legend became renowned in England.

Curiously enough, though George penetrated every country of the west, being adopted by England, France, Hungary and Germany, the feminine is quite a modernism.

It was not until comparatively recent years that Anne of Denmark was instrumental in having a godchild of hers christened Georgia Anna. She was the first English Georgia, though the name is said to have existed previously on the continent.

It is possible that this same Georgia Anna coupled her two names for the sake of euphony, and is responsible for the Georgiana, which is now so popular in all English-speaking countries.

The French adopted Georgia, but quickly changed her to Georgine and Georgette.

Germany liked Georgine and took her over, making her one of her most popular feminine names.

England has a form, Georgina, and Portugal is responsible for Georgetta. In America alone does the original Georgia seem to flourish.

Georgia’s talismanic gem is the bloodstone, which has strong therapeutic powers and not only preserves its wearer from danger and disease, but it is said to be a curative in hemorrhages and other disturbances of the blood.

Tuesday is her lucky day and 4 her lucky number. The violet, signifying modesty, is her flower.

baby Name length

7 letters (popular name length)

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