About the name Chloe

About the baby name Chloe, at Click Baby Names.com

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If you like the name Chloe, find out the meaning, origin, nicknames, variations and other information to help you decide if you want to use this first name for your baby.
Name meaning, variations & etymology

Captivating Chloe: A classic name

When expecting a new arrival, picking the perfect name is one of the most daunting tasks.

If you’re considering the name Chloe, you’re looking at a name that carries with it a sense of beauty, history, and versatility.

Pronunciation of the name

Chloe is pronounced as KLO-ee, with two syllables, and the emphasis is on the first syllable.

It rhymes with “snowy”.

Origin of the name

Chloe is a name of Greek origin, meaning “blooming” or “fertility.”

It was used in ancient Greece as an epithet for the goddess Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and the harvest.

Popularity of the name

In recent decades, Chloe has seen a resurgence in popularity.

After a peak in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Chloe became a staple in the top 20 names for girls in the United States.

It reached its peak around 2009 but has comfortably remained within the top 50.

Celebrities with the name

Chloe has been a choice for many celebrities, each bringing their charm and achievements to the name:

  • Chloe Kim — American snowboarder and Olympic gold medalist, known for her prowess on the slopes.
  • Chloe Zhao — Award-winning filmmaker and director, celebrated for her work on “Nomadland.”
  • Chloe Grace Moretz — Talented actress recognized for her diverse roles in films and television.
  • Chloe Lukasiak — Star of “Dance Moms” and talented dancer, admired by young fans worldwide.
  • Chloe Sevigny — Acclaimed actress and fashion icon, known for her roles in independent films and her unique style.
  • Chloe Bridges — Actress recognized for her roles in teen and young adult films and television series.
  • Chloe Bennet — Actress best known for her role in the TV series “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
  • Chloe Bailey — One half of the musical duo Chloe x Halle, celebrated for her singing, songwriting, and acting talents.

Nicknames and variations


  • Coco — Fun and spirited, perfect for a lively child.
  • Chlo — A straightforward short form, casual and friendly.
  • Lo — Simple and chic, offering a modern flair.
  • Lee — A creative twist, focusing on the ending sound of Chloe.


  • Cloe — A simplified spelling without the ‘h’, retaining the same pronunciation.
  • Khloe — Popularized by Khloe Kardashian, this variant adds a ‘K’ for a modern twist.
  • Chloë — With an umlaut, it emphasizes the traditional spelling and adds a touch of elegance.
  • Clio — Less common, this variant shifts the focus and offers a unique alternative with historical roots.

Similar names

If you like Chloe but are still exploring options, consider these similar names:

  • Zoe — Sharing a Greek origin, meaning “life.”
  • Cleo — Echoes the sound of Chloe, with a strong historical background.
  • Phoebe — Another Greek name, meaning “bright, shining.”
  • Daphne — Greek origin, meaning “laurel,” ties to nature like Chloe.
  • Thea — Meaning “goddess,” it shares the ethereal quality of Chloe.
  • Lila — Means “night” in Arabic, offering a poetic feel similar to Chloe.
  • Cora — With ancient roots, it means “maiden.”
  • Ivy — Symbolizes fidelity and eternity, resonating with Chloe’s natural imagery.
  • Eva — Means “life,” echoing Chloe’s vivacious spirit.
  • Mia — A short and sweet name with a modern appeal.


baby Name length

5 letters (popular name length)

FREE baby name printable

Click below to download a large version of this baby name design! You can create something great with this graphic: print it out and frame it as a decoration for your baby’s room, or use the design for a cut file to use with an electronic cutting machine (such as a Cricut or Silhouette).

After clicking the name image below, look in the upper right for saving and sharing options. This download is for personal use only, but if you know someone who might like one of their own, please send them a link to this site!

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